Peter Omelchenko (Пётр Омельченко)-Legend of Misirlou(Легенда Мизирлу)

[postlink][/postlink] [starttext]Пётр Омельченко ( домра альт, струны Синталь )
Виктор Смолий ( баян )
Елена Косаревская ( домра малая )
Дмитрий Ибрагимов ( балалайка прима )
Светлана Носкова ( гусли клавишные )
Михаил Теньков ( балалайка альт )
Николай Теньков ( балалайка контрабас )
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A classic belly dance tune (tsifteteli) with Greek/Middle Eastern roots around the turn of the century, and it was written about an Egyptian girl ...the word Misirlou refers specifically to a Muslim Egyptian has been played and replayed over the years, and although the original composer is not known, it is credited to Nick Roubanis[endtext]